Available Platforms
開始時間 標題
00:41:00 科學新知 Science News
00:50:00 森林中的綠精靈--螢光菇
A brief introduction of the glow-in-the-dark bioluminescent mushrooms in Taiwan
03:41:00 國內新聞 Domestic News
03:46:00 北市動物園的動物逃脫
TPE Zoo Animal Escapes
06:19:00 2021新竹市試辦換發數位身分證(已暫緩)
A trial of new eID in Hsinchu (postoned)
06:47:00 快問快答 Fun Brain Teaser l^o^l
09:15:00 有獎徵答 Fabulous Prizes for YOU